

Again, it's been a long time...but apparently residency and Jellybean keep me busier than I thought. I can't even imagine how much harder it will be when he's actually here!

32 weeks. It's been eventful. Lots of kicking and squirming by the lil guy, concern for early contractions (pray that he stays in for a few more weeks!), overall exhaustion from working in the SICU being on call every 3rd night...but we've made it this far, so hopefully, we'll be able to make it for just a few more weeks (at least).

The anticipation is starting to kick in now -- friends left and right here have been hatching out their lil ones...and so the excitement and anxiety is really starting to weigh in these days. I don't really feel "momish" at all...I've never been very motherly in general, I suppose, but maybe it'll happen here soon.

On call in the SICU the other night, exhausted and overwhelmed, I crawled into my call room for just a few precious minutes of sleep. As I was trying to get comfortable, Jellybean started kicking like crazy -- as if reminding me that no matter how tired I get or how much other stuff is going on, he's going to be there....and I guess I'm going to be a mother (and wife) first, and everything else second...and you know, instead of being a scary and doom-filled reminder, it actually gave me some perspective - I just wish it had come at a slightly different time. Heh. I will admit, I didn't smile at the time. Instead, I started talk to my belly, begging JB to quiet down so I could sleep -- omen of what's to come, I think. :)

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