

First of all, I must preface this post with something. My bro and his family just left IC, after a really excellent, super-fun vacation, as S would say. And, I must admit, that as soon as I turned back into the house, I started bawling inconsolably (much like E, the 9 month old, did for a bulk of her trip here). I am still sniffling...and probably have the makings of a tomato face (as the hubs calls it)...as I write this post, so please excuse any unnecessary emotional rambling.

Now, back to milestones. I am, officially, into my 2nd trimester! Week 13! Woohoo! Now, most of you moms are probably chuckling at me as you read this, but man, to me, reaching this was a huge sigh of relief. It's like magic. The sea-bands have been put away for good, I can eat almost whatever I want again, and the Zofran is tucked away in the medicine cabinet instead of sitting on my nightstand. I still have some reflux, and I'm now having to get up pretty often to pee at night, and I do still have some gagging when I brush my teeth, but for the most part, I feel pretty darn good. Plus, there's just something about having made it past those first anxiety-filled 3 months. We're still cautious and nervous about things, but the hubs and I are just breathing a bit easier about everything now.

Of course, with this milestone comes another - "announcing" the growing lil one to the world. Some of you have already caught on, but I feel like I've been kinda cryptic too about the whole preggers thing. But, now with the belly starting to show, I figure it's pretty useless to hide it now. And, it would be sad for people to just think that I've gotten uncontrollably fat. :)

So there it is, world, our vow of silence and 3 months of puking seems to have finally come to an end. Woohoo! We are incredibly grateful, awed and blessed by this whole adventure that God is leading us on...and are thrilled to have you join along for the ride!

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